Crying helps immunity and is our way of healing. Often, the best laughs come only after the heart is emptied of tears.
December 31, 2023
I recently came across some fascinating research. In this study, researchers looked at the effect of emotions on patients with arthritis. Their conclusion: people who were easily moved to tears had fewer arthritis flares and had better immune markers.
I don’t know when we started believing that expressing emotions is a sign of weakness. That stiff people, who wouldn’t laugh, or cry are strong. The truth may be just the opposite.
Expressing authentic emotions is good for your health. Both laughing and crying can help you heal and make you healthier.
Your emotional expressions help others too. Your happiness increases your loved ones and friends’ happiness. Your tears show that you care.
Now it’s important to laugh with and not laugh at. Also, cry because you care, not because you spot a weed in your yard.
Here is an idea. Think of a few people you know who are easily moved to tears. Most likely, you will agree that they are kind, good people.
So, don’t feel bad about your authentic emotional expressions. Such expressions show your kindness to yourself and others and are healthy for you and the people you serve and love.
Excerpted from the book, That Makes Sense: Resilience-insights to lift your day.
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